The Utah Republican Party will permit registered Republican voters from Utah to participate in the caucus by voting absentee under the same rights and processes available to UOCAVA voters in normal Utah elections. Such covered voters may request to vote via email absentee ballot similar to the UOCAVA process.

Note: UOCAVA specifically applies to voters who are out of state (or the country) on a military, religious or service mission for an extended period of time or are living overseas but are still registered voters in the state of Utah. Please read more about the UOCAVA process to learn if you qualify. If you are in the state of Utah but unable to attend caucus, please refer to these instructions instead.

Here are the steps: 

  1. First, you should preregister for caucus. You will mark yourself as absentee when going through the preregistration process.
  2. Next you will forward that email with a request to vote via the UOCAVA process to uocava@ You should clearly state why you are requesting to vote via UOCAVA, which must comply with the rules for UOCAVA voters in normal Utah elections.
  3. You should include in that email your election choices clearly laid out like this
    1. Presidential Preference Poll: Candidate Name
    2. Precinct Chair: Candidate Name
    3. Precinct Vice Chair: Candidate Name
    4. Precinct Secretary: Candidate Name
    5. Precinct Treasurer: Candidate Name
    6. County Delegate: Candidate Name(s)
    7. State Delegate: Candidate Name(s)
  4. You will receive a confirmation that your request has been approved and your vote accepted.

Please note that if you request to vote UOCAVA but you are not eligible, you will be referred to vote absentee via the rules for other types of absentee voters.