Contact: Lynda Cox (703) 376-4853



The Utah Republican Party is grateful for State Treasurer David Damschen’s service to the state of Utah, and we wish him well in his new role with the Utah Housing Corporation. He has truly raised the bar through his exceptional service to the state of Utah and our country. He recently served as the President of the National Association of State Treasurers, and was later awarded the Harlan Boyles/Edward T. Alter Distinguished Service Award for his exemplary service.

During his tenure, Treasurer Damschen has been a trusted steward over Utah’s public funds, and has also overseen the return of millions of dollars of unclaimed money to Utahns through his My Cash Utah Program ( He is well known for beginning his speeches by quipping “I’m from the government, and I don’t want your money.” He has also championed efforts to improve financial education across the country, as well as here in Utah, where he created and launched the Women in The Money program, a program focusing on educating women in financial literacy.

As outlined in the Utah State Code, the State Central Committee of the Utah Republican Party will select three names and will then forward those names to Governor Cox, who will choose one of them to temporarily fill the vacancy. That individual will then serve in this position until the 2022 general election, when Utah voters will select someone to serve the remainder of Treasurer Damschen’s term. As a party, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the individuals forwarded to Governor Cox are uniquely qualified to serve in this critical role.

The filing deadline for those interested in applying to serve will open on May 3, 2021 and will close on May 10, 2021. The three individuals, whose names will be forwarded to the Governor, will be selected at the next regularly-scheduled State Central Committee meeting on June 12, 2021.
