SALT LAKE CITY, UT — The Utah Republican Party is pleased to announce that seven candidates have qualified so far for the 2024 Utah Republican Presidential Preference Poll. These candidates have shown excitement to be on our ballot and engage with voters at neighborhood caucuses on March 5, 2024. They have met the necessary requirements and qualifications, including filling out our filing form and paying the requisite filing fee. Filing closes on December 15, 2023. The candidates who have qualified so far include (in alphabetical order):

Ryan Binkley

Doug Burgum

Chris Christie

Ron DeSantis

Nikki Haley

Vivek Ramaswamy

Donald Trump

“The Utah Republican Party is committed to a transparent and unbiased process with full and fair access for candidates and Utah Republican voters,” Utah Republican Party Chair Rob Axson emphasized. “I have invited and encouraged these candidates to engage with Utahns and visit our state in the lead-up to our caucus and thereafter.”

Each candidate was sent the information to file at the same time and provided the same information and access to the ballot.

“The eagerness of these campaigns to participate in the caucus process underscores that Utah is not merely a flyover state; it stands as a Republican stronghold where conservative ideals are pursued and preserved across every level of government,” continued Axson.

The Utah Republican Party opted to hold caucus – and the Presidential Preference Poll – on Super Tuesday so that Utahns would play a nationally pivotal role in shaping the narrative of the 2024 election year and in determining the Republican Presidential Nominee. Throughout this process, Chairman Axson and the Utah GOP invited—and worked collaboratively with—the Utah Democrat Party to select the same date for their caucus, which the Democrats agreed to do. This underscores the shared belief by both parties in the importance of the caucus system to Utah’s future.

Presidential candidates are notably more present under a caucus system—many having already spent time here in Utah. Presidential preference polls generally lead to more meaningful and frequent engagement from candidates compared to primaries filled with standardized ad buys. The Utah Republican Party is and will continue to work hard with the county parties to ensure a seamless and well run caucus process in 2024. Caucus night will provide an opportunity for purposeful involvement from all walks of life, giving voters a chance to interact with each other and deepen their understanding of their important role in shaping the future of our nation.

The Utah Republican Party will continue to provide information concerning caucus participation, the role of delegates, how to vote for a preferred presidential candidate, and more. Utah Republicans will also have the opportunity to vote absentee for those who cannot attend their local neighborhood school or other venue in person.

Expressing gratitude for the candidates’ efforts, Axson said, “I am thankful for the efforts of these candidates to advance our values and to ensure that next year’s election replaces the out of touch administration with its disastrous policies. The future is undoubtedly more secure with conservative, liberty-minded beliefs at the forefront. And Utahns deserve a President who fights for them.”


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