FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                         Contact: Derek Brown

July 12, 2019                                                                                                    801-703-1799





Utah GOP hires Executive Director

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – The Utah Republican Party has hired Laurel Price as Executive Director. “I am thrilled that someone with as much as experience as Laurel Price will serve as the new Executive Director of the Republican Party. Laurel is well known among our elected officials, well respected, and has extensive knowledge in the area of political campaigns,” said Derek Brown, Chairman of the Utah Republican Party.

The Utah Republican Party has now paid off its long-standing debts, is having fundraising success, and is seeing unity and strength that has not been seen in years. “Now our focus is on winning elections in 2020, and Laurel’s experience in the political arena will be pivotal in our 2020 success strategy. Because of Laurel’s unique experience, she knows the Fourth Congressional District inside and out, and this knowledge will be instrumental in winning that election in 2020—one of our top priorities,” said Brown.

The Utah Republican Party is committed to building a strong organization that supports our county parties and strengthens our caucus system. It is also committed to recruiting excellent candidates and providing them with the resources that they need to win. Chairman Brown said, “Laurel will play a key role in helping the party achieve those goals, and we are excited to have her as a member of the team.”

Laurel will be presented for approval at the Utah Republican Party State Central Committee meeting in September.