SALT LAKE CITY, UT — Today, UTGOP Chair Rob Axson released the following statement about the Utah Supreme Court’s recent decision in League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature:

The Utah Republican Party expresses its deep disappointment and grave concern over the Utah Supreme Court’s recent decision in League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature. This ruling poses a significant threat to the principle of a constitutional republic by circumventing the state’s legislature. The consequences are potentially disastrous. 


The decision empowers initiatives to become untouchable “super laws,” stripping the state legislature of its crucial role in adapting and refining laws to meet the evolving needs of our citizens. This ruling creates a dangerous precedent, mirroring the chaotic legislative environment of states like California, where millions of dollars of out-of-state money flood in to push agendas that may not reflect the values and interests of our residents.


The Utah Supreme Court has displayed a profound shortsightedness with this decision. While grassroots citizen initiatives have their place in our democratic process, this ruling creates an unworkable framework that could lead to long-term negative impacts on Utah’s ability to function, and therefore hinder our state’s growth and prosperity for generations to come.


Our nation’s founders understood the perils of a tyranny of direct democracy, which is why they established a constitutionally limited republic. They knew that the balance between the will of the people and the wisdom of their elected representatives is essential to effective governance. This decision undermines that balance and risks subjecting our state to the whims of transient majorities and external influences.


We celebrate the role our elected officials play in magnifying the will of their constituents through careful deliberation. We urge the Utah State Legislature to take immediate action to mitigate the consequences of this decision. It is imperative that we preserve the balance of power between the people and their elected representatives to preserve our constitutional republic as our founder’s intended and prevent the incursion of outside influences over our governance. 


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