Convention Booths

Rules & Draw

Information about the opportunity to purchase booths at the upcoming Special Election Convention in Delta, UT.

Booth time will be from 1-3pm.
Convention will call to order at 3pm.


Booth draw
  • The booth draw will be at 7pm on Jun 21 on Zoom. <– Please use this link to access the meeting. 
  • The booth layout includes two rows of booths at either end of the convention hall, on the upper level. In addition, there will be booths behind the stage, separated from the proceedings by pipe and drape.
  • The booth draw will follow the same random alphabet draw that we used at the organizing convention:
    • B F D E V C H Q K J R S L P I Z M T W N A G X O Y U
Booth prices/sizes
  • Each booth is 10’x10′. You may purchase two contiguous booth spaces for a 10’x20′ booth on a first come, first serve basis. There will be only six 10’x20′ booths available to ensure that all candidates may at least purchase one 10’x10′ booth. There are no booth spaces larger than 10’x20′.
  • Each 10’x10′ booth is $250, plus we require a $250 deposit per payee. This deposit will be returned to you assuming your booth space is sufficiently cleaned up after convention.
  • If you purchase a 10’x20′ booth, the booth will cost $500 and will come with a $250 deposit.
  • You will be asked to make payment before booth set up. You can do this on the Party’s website by using the donation button (please send a screenshot of your payment to Tracy Shaw – email below) or by bringing a check on Saturday. If you pay by check, please bring two checks – one for your booth and one for your security deposit. Please note in your payment that you are paying for a booth or security deposit and for which organization.
Booth set up
  • Booth set up will be from 10am-1pm on Saturday, June 24th. You will not be allowed to set up your booth if you have not paid for your booth. Please check in with Tracy Shaw when you arrive to receive directions to your booth space.
  • There is no pipe and drape. You will receive a 8′ table and two chairs. Spaces will be taped off on the floor.
  • Power is not available at this venue for your booth. All items requiring power must be battery operated.
  • You may have food to hand out at your booth, but you are responsible for clean up so please be mindful of items that may be messy (e.g., things that make crumbs).
  • Your booth must be broken down by the conclusion of convention. Given the limited set up and break down time, we encourage you to consider a simple booth set up.
Other booth and related details
  • There will be no concessions available for purchase at the venue.
  • No signage will be allowed inside the convention hall outside of the booth spaces. You may not hang signs from the railings or the walls. All signs must be freestanding.
  • You may put signage in the hallways but it should be free standing, not blocking any doors or walkways, and within 3ft of the outer wall.
  • You may also put signs up outside the building starting at 10am. Please note that there is limited grass outside the school, so you should plan to have free standing signs for outside as well. In addition, your outside signs may not block entryways, walkways or other people’s signs.

On an ongoing basis, we are posting information on the Convention page on the Party website. Please contact Tracy Shaw at if you have any questions about booths.

Contact Us

(801) 533-9777

420 East South Temple, Ste 390, SLC 84111