Salt Lake City, UT — Today, UTGOP Chair Rob Axson released the following statement about the June 25th Utah Republican Primary results.

The Utah Republican Party thanks all our candidates and congratulates all of our nominees—including the eventual winners in a few races around the state that are currently too close to call.

One thing is clear: the Utah GOP has fantastic Utahns representing us. As a party, we fully commit to supporting them in their journey to victory on November 5th. We will be successful because our case is compelling. Collaborative, principled, and conservative policies best protect our values and Utah’s future.

We thank all the voters, delegates, and candidates who have played a role in getting us to this stage. We recognize that primaries, by their nature, divide voters into supporting different candidates. As a party, we now invite Republicans to unify around our principles and our nominees. Together, we can secure victories in every race. Together, we can gain seats in Salt Lake and Weber Counties. Together, we can grow support for our values. Together, we can help return Republican control to the US Senate and the White House. Together, we can elevate principles, dialogue, and results.

Let’s get to work.


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