SALT LAKE CITY – Today the UTGOP Chair Robert Axson released the following statement regarding the 2024 Nominating Convention:

The Utah Republican Party strongly supports Utahns’ participation in representative government. Delegates—elected by neighbors in caucus meetings representing every community in all 29 counties—are a meaningful tool to better understand the issues and concerns of our state’s citizens. The vitality of a Constitutional Republic will always be strongest through “We the People.”


We celebrate the efforts and dedication of the nearly 4,000 state delegates who gave their time to the process. Over 95% of elected delegates came to convention this year and nearly 60% were new delegates–certainly not “party insiders.” Their commitment during a long day of voting last Saturday, during which we had a historic number of races, candidates, and election rounds was inspiring.


We condemn the actions of any delegate or visitor to our convention who used threats, vulgarity, or violence for any reason. They do not represent our Party or the vast majority of delegates. Their behavior is a disservice to all we hold dear and is not welcome in the Utah Republican Party.


We strongly oppose any efforts by the media, candidates, or others to equate the behavior of some to that of the Republican Party or other delegates. To call delegates “extreme,” you water down the critical meaning of the word by giving it to anyone who may disagree with you. The vast majority of delegates conducted themselves appropriately; let us recognize their good example. Claiming otherwise is disingenuous.


We believe Utah Republican voters have a duty to continue learning about candidates and promoting policies that are in accordance with the US Constitution and the principles of the party platform.


We invite voters to get to know the candidates who earned the support and nomination of delegates at the Utah Republican Party Convention. We encourage you to support those who are best prepared to preserve our country’s freedoms and our Party’s principles.

We also released a condensed version of this statement on social media (see image).

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