Contact: Laurel Price 801-533-9777


UTAH GOP PASSES STRONG RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, December 13, 2019 – The Utah Republican Party voted overwhelmingly for a strong resolution in support of President Donald J. Trump at its State Central Committee meeting in Provo on Saturday, December 7.

The resolution comes on the heels of a Salt Lake City visit from Second Lady Karen Pence three weeks ago to officially file the paperwork for the 2020 Trump reelection campaign.

“This resolution of our governing body was passed because congressional Democrats are spending their time trying to undermine and distract President Trump, who is working hard to keep the promises he made to the American people,” said Utah GOP Chairman Derek Brown.

The resolution includes the following:

  • Expresses support for President Donald J. Trump, his administration, and his impeachment defense;
  • Condemns congressional Democrats for circumventing constitutional rights during the impeachment proceedings;
  • Calls on congressional Republicans to ensure fairness and due process during the impeachment proceedings;
  • Appeals to the U.S. Senate to acknowledge and respect President Trump’s 5th and 6th Amendment rights;


The resolution also calls on our Republican members of the Utah federal delegation–Representatives Rob Bishop, Chris Stewart, and John Curtis, and Senators Mike Lee and Mitt Romney–as well as Utah’s Republican state-level elected officials, to vigorously and publicly support President Trump.” “The Utah Republican Party supports our President, whose policies have produced some of the lowest unemployment rates on record, and created tangible results for Utah families,” said Brown.