New Convention SPIRIT PAC

New Convention SPIRIT PAC

NOW SELLING! Support the UTGOP and order your Convention SPIRIT PAC before we run out! Supplies are limited, and orders are first-come, first-served. Your Convention SPIRIT PAC will be waiting for you when you arrive at convention! Your 2021 Convention SPIRIT PAC...

UTGOP Statement RE: Treasurer Damschen’s Resignation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Lynda Cox (703) 376-4853 lynda@   The Utah Republican Party is grateful for State Treasurer David Damschen’s service to the state of Utah, and we wish him well in his new role with the Utah Housing Corporation. He has...

COVID-19 Restrictions

Limits on the size of gatherings have been removed, and the statewide mask mandate will be lifted April 10th. However, it appears masks will continue to be required at gatherings of over 50 persons. Also, the Maverik Center is still restricted from selling any food or...